Saturday 27 October 2012

Katie the Photogenic One..

Wow.. where do I start with this lovely lady? Katie and I met a couple of years ago being bridesmaids at a mutual friend, Aimee's wedding. We seemed to click instantly.. she is a truly beautiful soul inside and out (as u can clearly see with the photos), she has an honesty about her that I just LOVE! Tragically we lost Aimee last year, but I am so thankful to Aimee for introducing me to Katie! Katie came for a visit and we had a spare hour so I decided to take the amazing opportunity to take this snaps. She really is easy to photograph.. 

 This is my total favourite..

Thanks for being my model.. think u will have to come down to sunny Dunedin to see us again and grace us with your amazing presence. Love you
PS: Used a crappy editing program on my comp to edit these.. cant wait for photoshop goodness!

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