
Hi, I'm Laura, or Loopy Loo most of my childhood. My mum still calls me Loo, or Loopy Loo.. and has been known to call me at work (when I worked) and ask for Loopy Loo.. needless to say my colleagues thought it was hilariousness. 
ANYWAY.. in 2007 I married my dream man, Stephen (aka Stevo) .. 5 years later we have 2 gorgeous kids, Levi and Aviya. Currently I am a full time mummy to my kidlets but am a nurse by trade. At the moment I'm studying my diploma in photography to keep my brain working and my creative side alive :)
I wanted to create this little blog to share my journey, my thoughts, my photos, my baking and any other little thing that may happen to fly into my head :)
Please follow me if you like me.. then you get an email when I post, simple and easy :) (look to your right to follow me by email)

Me and my girl 

Daddy and daughter sleeping.. Isn't my man good looking!!


Aviya (Avie) 

Just realised putting this together that we dont have any family photos and there aren't many photos of Stevo and I.. sigh must get onto it! :)

xoxoxoxoox Loo

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