Sunday 10 February 2013

2 cup Sultana Loaf

I trick myself that Sultana Loaf is healthy. It has fruit in it right? And fruit is healthy.. so there... that's perfect logic if you ask me. And lets just be honest for a minute.. there isn't really such a thing as yummy healthy baking is there? Baking in my opinion equals butter and sugar.. but anyway this recipe has raw sugar.. which is the healthy version of sugar aye? ;) Seriously thou.. its GOOOOD!
And see.. this is the fruit of my cleaning/decluttering labors  A clean organised kitchen = baking galore. Need to make more skinny friends to give the baking to. Everyone seems to be "eating healthy" (me included... mostly....) where are you "eating unhealthy" people.. and please make friends with me so I can bake for you. Its a win win (except for your arteries.. they loose, but we won't think about that:)

Recipe here.

Should not be allowed on the computer when I am overtired with sick children.. sorry :) Rant over.
Sleep tight everyone
xoxoxo L

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