Saturday 10 November 2012

The Lovely McKean Family- Part One

This little family is just fabulous! I met Ingrid earlier this year and had the honour of having her as my student midwife for the journey of my pregnancy, birth and the first few weeks of wee Aviya's life. She is such a wise, caring and funny person and I really enjoyed having her along for the ride! She's going to be an AMAZING midwife in two more years time if your looking ;)

When she asked me to take some photos of her family I was, to be honest, slightly nervous. Kids are so hard to photograph, they move ALLLL the time and get bored of looking into a camera. The weather threatened to drown us today but ended up blessing us, putting on a show, slightly overcast and warm. The family looked amazing and once we warmed up a bit (the lolly pops helped!) we got some cute shots! Can't believe after only an hour I took 500 shots! Gasp! That's how gorgeous they are! :) This is a really neat family and I'm looking forward to part two of the shoot at the beach!

xoxox L

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