2013.. seriously the years are getting quicker and quicker!!! Its crazy! 2012 felt super slow when I was feeling icky and spewing for 9 months (but that's all forgotten now) and the last 14 weeks however have gone super speedy. My wee newborn is growing too quick! Someone invent a pill to keep them small and squishy forever ;)
So was thinking about new years resolutions. I am normally a huge fan of them (for about 2-3 weeks:) and then life takes over. I love the thought of a new year with new possibilities and thinking about all the stuff that I can accomplish in a year! This year I didn't think too much about it to be honest. I did think I would start my "eating healthy" year in 2013.. which lasted.... 2 days (fail!!). Cupcakes called to me and I thought it would be rude not to answer their call!! So scratch that idea for now.. although to be honest I am feeling more and more convicted that I need to treat my body with more respect! So maybe more on this later. But for now.. for the other new years resolutions. I have been thinking for AGES that I would LOVE to make home made gifts. But being pretty disorganised and last minute on the whole, which usually means people either a, get their (bought) gift 2 months late, or b, they don't get a gift at all. And to be honest b is usually what happens more often then not :) (Sorry friends!) So 2013, I am going to attempt to make home made gifts for everyone when and where possible. This means I have to be organised! I have bought a calendar so I know when birthdays are coming up and have been collecting ideas for a while now. So watch this space for all my (hopefully lovely) home made gifts. The first one is this week.. starting reasonably easy :) (Sorry in advance to friends and family.. hehe)
My second resolution is to do a 52 challenge. What this means is every week of the year I take a photo from a set theme (from a blog I follow). The purpose is to improve and stretch my photography skills. Really looking forward to it! I'll make another post in a second of Week One, bokeh (blur) or precious.
So all in all... hopefully 2013 will be a creative year! I
WILL get my photography course done and dusted this year! Otherwise I will be spending time with my gorgeous kids enjoying them and hanging with my good looking man.
Happy New Years everyone :)
xoxoxoo L